Short session Rolling Therapy
JPY 6,600 (tax included)
This session of treatment is about 35 minutes.
This treatment will be given on a problem you have on your body. For example; pain, stiffness or dysfunction on back, shoulders, knees and so on.
Each treatment is not just same plans to all clients. It depends on what kind of problem you have.
Long session Rolling Therapy
JPY 12,100 (tax included)
This session of treatment is about 70 minutes.
This treatment will be given at all parts of body from head to toe, and more effective than a short session rolling therapy treatment.
This treatment is recommended to clients who have more than two problems or suffer from very bad pain.
Athletes are supposed to have this treatment so that they can get more stimulation in deeper and wider muscles and other tissues.
A first-visit fee JPY 2,200 is needed for both a long and a short session of Rolling Therapy treatment.
Home/hotel visit treatment
Get yourself with a real treat with home rolling therapy services. Wherever you are, rolling therapists will come to you.
Perhaps you are looking for a recovery at your hotel room after a long day of walking on your trip. Our highly qualified and experienced rolling therapists will be there to heal your fatigue, back pain or other problems you are suffering from.
Our home visit massage services include the use of a professional massage table and towels. Please make sure if your room has enough space to put a table(180cm × 80cm).
The price depends on how long it takes for us to get to your location. Please feel free to ask us details by E-mail!
*Important reminder
Payment: By cash or credit card
Health insurance: does not cover Rolling Therapy.